Insurance: Sales Executive From 2016-07 To 2018-12 Duties
Call on Brokers to narket Gap Cover
Monthly Reporting
Facilitating of query resolution
Cross selling Steel: Sales From 2014-03-01 To 2015-04-30 Duties
- Quoting & Estimating on enquiries and drawings received from customers as and when required.
- Confirmation quotations to be sent. As and when required.
- Updating quotes in your area on computer system with reasons if necessary.
- Following up of all quotes generated for the areas to be visited with a view to closing the business or reasons business was not placed with the company.
- Weekly call sheet reports and monthly reporting activity in your areas on orders received, existing customers visited, new customers visited, upcoming contracts, price levels where possible and maintaining a competitor price file of price information in areas under your control including copies of competition quotes if obtained, issues of importance to the company, such as competitor price movements, area sensitive service levels, customer perceptions or comments, documented customer complaints, total lost business in product groups, market trends or changes, etc. etc.
- Stock takes.
- Finding and following up on new and current projects who is quoting, doing designing, doing Q.S. work, who end client contracts project managers are for targeting of presentations, and selling of our products and services.
- Updating of customer cards for internal sales to follow up.
- Participating in Company held functions that are organized from time to time on an after hour basis.
- Familiarize yourself with ALL marketing tools of the company, which includes a comprehensive knowledge of the brochure and CD as amended from time to time, the due process of the company, the ISO9001-2000 requirements and standard documentation, up to and including being familiar with the companies QC procedures and standard documents to be used.
- Ensuring that you have a summary of current quotes issued for the areas to be visited for follow up with clients and reporting back to the Sales Manager on a daily basis for any action needed to be taken to secure the business.
- Attend Sales Manager’s training courses on a quarterly basis.
- Attend weekly report back sales meetings and monthly Sales Meetings.
- Ensure that customer’s information is current and updated, including contact details, e-mail addresses, position held, birthdays, new staff and positions, staff changes and promotions etc., when dealing with the customer/s.
- Meeting targets set by the Sales Manager.
- Conducting contract reviews, checking your customers order / drawings against your quotation and resolving /documenting and confirming changes, revisions etc. where necessary.
- Ensuring the company policies are followed.
- Order entry and monitoring progress.
- Follow works Instructions as amended from time to time.
- Entertaining clients on your own either during working hours or on an after hour basis.
- Ensuring new and existing customers are kept updated on latest developments, keeping clients drawing offices aware of new and existing specifications and selling the products manufactured.
- Organising and preparing for CD Presentations at various companies including ends users, Consulting Engineers quantity Surveyors and Fabricators where necessary.
- Reconcile expenses reports and claims.
- Preparing weekly call planning sheets detailing area’s to be visited, any specific project follow-ups, hot sales prospects, customer complaints to be resolved and closed out and anything of importance to the company that might require a senior manager to accompany you to conclude the business or assist in the resolution of a problem. These are to be submitted to the Sales Manager every Friday afternoon for review.
- See at least 8 customers daily and undertake country trips and trade fairs in the employees’ area when required. 9Away working costs for the companies account)
- Report to the office on Fridays to prepare reports, attend review meetings, as well as training and stock takes as and when required.
- Working with their internal sales person to obtain more business and to liaise and update them as and when necessary.
Sales - Marketing: Safety Manager From 2011-6 To Current Duties Cold Calling Repoting Building and maintaining relationships